Mélanie Huber
Jakob Lenz
Kammeroper von Wolfgang Rihm
Opernhaus Zürich
Wiederaufnahme 6. Mai 2025
Theater Winterthur

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Text von Michael Fröhling frei nach Georg Büchners «Lenz»

Mit Yannick Debus, Jonas Jud, Maximilian Lawrie, Chelsea Zurflüh, Bożena Bujnicka, Freya Apffelstaedt, Simone McIntosh, Amin Ahangaran, Gregory Feldmann
Noelia Finocchiaro, Nina Gringolts, Lavinia Scorsin, Alenia Wittmann

Zürcher Kammerorchester

Musikalische Leitung Adrian Kelly
Inszenierung Mélanie Huber
Ausstattung Lena Hiebel
Lichtgestaltung Dino Strucken
Dramaturgie Fabio Dietsche
Regieassistenz Pascal Pointet
Ausstattungsassistenz Maria Preschel
Inspizienz Katharina Tschannen

Vorstellungen 8 / 10 / 14 / 16. Mai 2025
A haunting Jakob Lenz in Zurich ..."The ghosts are simply marvellous creations: hissing, singing lullabies, giving body to Lenz’s worst nightmares...
Yannick Debus, as Jakob Lenz, rises to the challenge of this difficult material.
Debus was fantastic in the title role, his standing ovation well-earned. He brought deftness and complexity to both the spoken and sung parts of the role, whether clambering up and down towers of boxes or curled up in the foetal position, whether delivering the text in a broken whisper or hitting the high notes with aplomb. More importantly, perhaps, he makes you care about Lenz, unable to dismiss him as a madman as his contemporaries do. In the end, this remains the power of Jakob Lenz: to destabilise, to tug at the heartstrings, to leave you haunted."
-bachtrack (online music magazin, London), 20.11.22

"...eine stringente, temporeiche und differenzierte Inszenierung."
-Südkurier, 21.11.22